Nick and Chuck in the rain.

Nick and Chuck in the rain.













My son Nick and I trailered AMELIA to the Annapolis Sailboat Show last week. Upon our arrival it commenced to pour rain for four straight days! Combined with the shutdown of the American government and the impending default on the national debt, it would be an understatement to say that virtually nobody came to this show, and the few who did headed immediately for the shelter of the tents, leaving Nick and I standing disconsolently in the relentless deluge.

So, my take on all of this?  It was fantastic! The nautical press had no choice but to be there, and they were, owing to their chosen careers, real sailors, who knew a great boat when they saw it.  Look for their reaction to the PAINE 14 in their columns in the next few months.

The days when you could sell plastic consumer crap are over. The days when you can exchange mere money for a small yacht of great value that will enhance your life forever have arrived.

Stay tuned.

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