Paine Jetboats

York 42   York 42

Bogert screaming  

Annie Rose Jetboat interior   Annie Rose

Uniquely styled Paine jetboats evoke the same thrills you felt the first time you climbed aboard a jet-ski. Their nimble handling combines with shoal draft and the ability to travel lobsterpot strewn waters in any state of visibility.

Jet Boats



Paine-designed motorboats range from small high-performance launches to multi-deck, long-range exploration yachts. Briefly they are:

Long Range Motor Yachts

Full accommodation yachts with ocean crossing range.

Express Cruisers

High speed single decked yachts between 30 and 50 ft. in length.

Jet Boats

Light, fast, shoal draft, flotsam proof skimmers.

Sport Boats

Intriguing designs that didn’t fit the other categories.


A unique, exceptionally high efficiency answer to ocean cruising with minimal fuel.

Special Editions

Each of these is available for someone to carry forward to completion.